Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jack's Three!

Well, sorta. . . Jack's been with us 3 months now. Here's a photo of the green machine out of his habitat on cleaning day. Pardon the stray flakes of skin; he's at the end of his second complete molting. 

Yup, he's growing. Check out the following photo of his first day home for comparison. The hands are the same; Jack's bigger : )

All this to distract you from the fact I don't have any more completed soldiers to show. . . though I have been painting blue Languedoc waistcoats red for La Sarre and adding Sergeant's braid and Corporal's stripes to justacorps. Stay tuned.


  1. So you started on your War Machine Lizardman Army already Chris? See my blog for pictures of my Blood Bowl frogs :)

  2. Don't play war Machine, but always have liked the idea of a Lizardman Army : )
